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A main goal of the original "A Bridge Too Far" campaign was to make Savannah citizens aware of this massive infrastructure project that was moving forward without significant public input and connect residents to GDOT to voice their objections, support, or questions about the project.

With only a few days before the comment period deadline, the Savannah community went from virtually no one knowing about the project to significant community engagement. 


Savannah showed up - and 824 residents commented with only a few days notice.




Overwhelmingly, Savannahians oppose the project in its current form. 69.4% of respondents oppose the project in its current form.



CONDITIONAL SUPPORT (opposition unless changes are made): 254



Why? Because citizens either objected to tearing down the existing bridge or, if it must be torn down, they understand that it is in the wrong location and should not be rebuilt where it is.


If they are successful in getting the money...

To rebuild the bridge or place a tunnel...

They are doing so against the will of the vast majority of residents.

Read the public comments. Explore the eastside concept. Stay engaged.

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