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The Savannah Bridge Project needs transparency and community input. If the Savannah Bridge is replaced, the new crossing should benefit all of Savannah.
Say NO to repeating old mistakes.
Say NO to keeping the city divided.
Say YES to a better way.
The Savannah Bridge is in the wrong location.
To rebuild the bridge or place a tunnel in the same footprint as it stands today will repeat a serious error made twice before which significantly damaged our city. Let’s not do it again!
If they are successful in getting the money to pay for a multi-billion dollar replacement of the bridge, the new river crossing should be off of the Truman on the east side.
Get alerts about public comment periods, community meetings, and the latest developments on the Savannah Bridge project.
Georgia Ports Authority has proposed tearing down and replacing the Talmadge Bridge with a new, taller bridge or tunnel to accommodate larger ships. Now, the Savannah Bridge Project is taking on a life of its own without adequate input from the community.
When Georgia Ports Authority and GDOT demolished and rebuilt the Talmadge Bridge in the 1990s, they promised it would never have to be done again. Yet, here we are just thirty years later, with a new proposed bridge expansion project.
The impact of this $2 Billion project on Savannah is massive and there has not been sufficient transparency or time given to comprehend its implications and explore all available options. GPA and GDOT must enhance efforts to inform the community adequately, allowing ample time for public input on all concepts, not just those benefiting a single party.

The debate between a bridge and a tunnel is overshadowing the even more critical issue of choosing the right location for a river crossing – one that can address longstanding livability, traffic, and mobility challenges stemming from the original bridge's misplaced construction in the 1950s.
The current proposed location fails to address the historical division caused by the bridge, especially affecting neighborhoods in West Savannah and the Canal District, potentially leading to displacement and ongoing negative impacts. A new location can reconcile our beautiful city.
Constructing a new crossing at the same site will create economic and environmental repercussions for generations, particularly impeding the development of the Canal District, including the new arena. There needs to be urgent consideration of alternative locations, particularly east of the city.
If Georgia Ports Authority and GDOT succeed in replacing the Talmadge Bridge, the solution must benefit the entire community, not just one party, and prioritize long-term sustainability and inclusivity. Our community sorely needs a new location and entrance for the river crossing.
Building a new crossing in the existing westside location harms our city. Building a crossing off of the Truman creates positive opportunities for all of Savannah, by:
Removing the divide between neighborhoods on the westside
Spurring the canal district into a reality
Helping solve car and truck traffic through the historic district
Creating a walkable/bikeable connection to Hutchinson
Solving long-deficient evacuation routes
Freeing up over 100 acres for new westside development and beautification
Creating an iconic entrance to America’s most beautiful city
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